
TeamLogic IT surpasses 250 offices across the country and continues to rank as a top managed services provider and fast-growing franchise. Sir Speedy, PIP and Signal Graphics continue to be [...]


Introduces marketing services to its spectrum of capabilities, providing customers one stop shop for printing and marketing needs. Leverages Internet to provide customers with Web-to-Print [...]


International expansion throughout the decade. Support businesses with short-run, quick turnaround, full-color digital printing for all document needs. 1992 – 5th straight year of [...]


FIRST to introduce a nationwide network of FAX machines and color copiers. FIRST to move from traditional to electronic publishing using Macintosh computers. 1981 – CEO, Don Lowe, joins company [...]


1994 – International Franchise Association (IFA) created the Bonnie LeVine Award in memory of PIP co-founder, Bonnie LeVine for her outstanding accomplishments in franchising and status as a role [...]


1963 – Postal Press is founded by Bill Le Vine in Southern California 1964 – Business is converted into a “while you wait” print center 1965 – FIRST Postal Instant Press (PIP) opens 1968 – FIRST [...]


Sir Speedy, PIP and Signal Graphics enter the signage market. TeamLogic IT changes its strategy to comprehensive managed IT services and reaches a franchise milestone of 100 units across North [...]

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